What is Antoine Equation ?

What is Antoine Equation and Calculator Antoine Equation Antoine equation was developed by a French engineer, Louis Charles A...

What is Work Function ?

Work Function: Helmholtz Free Energy Work Function: Helmholtz Free Energy Work function is also called Helmholtz free energy....

What is Joule's Law ?

What is Joule's Law Joule's Law Joule's law stated as the change in internal energy of an ideal gas with volume at...

What is Trouton's Rule ?

What is Trouton's Rule Trouton's Rule Trouton's rule states that the molar entropy of vaporization (ΔS vap ) for...

What is Fugacity and Activity ?

What is Fugacity and Activity | Physical Significance of Fugacity Fugacity and Activity The free energy equation change ΔG =...

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