What is Corey–Pauling Rules ?

What is Corey–Pauling Rules

Corey–Pauling Rules

Corey–Pauling rules were developed by Robert Corey and Linus Pauling in the 1951. This rule is a set of three fundamental principles that explain the secondary structure of proteins pointing on the configuration of peptide bonds. These rules are very helpful for understanding the protein folding and stability. Three rules of Corey–Pauling are given below:

Planarity of Peptide Bonds: All atoms in a peptide linkage are coplanar that means the carbonyl carbon (C=O), the nitrogen (N), and the hydrogen (H) atoms are arranged in a single plane, which affects the overall shape of the protein by restricting the rotation.

Hydrogen Bonding Alignment: Nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen atoms involved in hydrogen bonds are lie in a straight line. This alignment is necessary for the stability of secondary structures like alpha helices and beta sheets.

Involvement of Functional Groups in Bonding: Carbon-oxygen and nitrogen-hydrogen groups participate in bonding interactions which contribute to the overall stability and structure of the protein.

These rules are satisfied by two structures. One, in which hydrogen bonding between peptide links leads to an alpha helical structure which can be arranged as either a right- or a left-handed screw. The other, in which hydrogen bonding between peptide links leads to a beta sheet (β-sheet, also β-pleated sheet, a planar structure) of secondary structure.

Corey–Pauling Rules

Also read Amino Acids and Proteins

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