Amines Class 12 Chemistry Notes

Amines Class 12 Chemistry Notes

Amines Class 12 Chemistry Notes

Amines are derivatives of ammonia in which one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by alkyl, cycloalkyl, allyl or aryl groups. Amines are classified as 1º, 2º and 3º amines according to the number of hydrogen atoms replaced by the alkyl groups. Thus, the general formula of primary, secondary and tertiary amines may be written as RNH2 , R2NH, and R3N, respectively. Nitrogen atom in Amines is sp3-hybridized so it has a tetrahedral structure.

Methods of Preparation of Amines

Physical Properties of Amines

Chemical Properties of Amines

Benzene Diazonium Chloride

IIT-JEE(Main) Shift-1 Date:22.1.2025

Find molecular weight of A

Find molecular weight of A_IIT-JEE Main 2025

Find molecular weight of A_IIT-JEE Main 2025

The product (A) biphenyl have the molecular formula C12H10
So, its moleculare weight is (12 × 12) + 10 = 154
