Hofmann's Rule

Hofmann's Rule

Hofmann's Rule | Hofmann's Elimination

Hofmann's Rule states that in case of alternative β-hydrogens in the charged substrates (quarternary ammonium and sulphonium salts), the least substituted alkene is predominantly formed.

2-Butylquarternary ammonium salt undergoes Hofmann elimination to give 1-butene as the major product. Hofmann's Rule

It has been observed that the strong electron withdrawing effect of Me3N+ group makes the hydrogens of the β-carbon more acidic for facile abstraction by the base and stabilizes the incipient carbon formation in the transition state on gradual stretching of the β-C-H bond. In this particular compound with alternative β-hydrogen, the β''- hydrogens are less acidic due to +I effect of the adjacent methyl group. Hence, β'-hydrogen which is relatively more acidic is removed to give permanently 1-butene.

Hofmann product increases on increasing branching in the base. Steric effect due to crowding in the leaving group or in the substrate promotes Hofmann elimination.

Examples of Hofmann's Elimination Reaction

Hofmann's Rule

Also read Saytzeff's Rule
