s Block Elements Mock Test for PGT Exams

s Block Elements Mock Test for PGT Exams

s Block Elements Mock Test for PGT Exams

s Block Elements Mock Test for PGT Exams

s Block Elements Mock Test for PGT Exams. MCQs of this mock test are completely based on NCERT. These questions covers the topics like General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, anomalous properties of the first element of each group, diagonal relationship, trends in the variation of properties (such as ionization enthalpy, atomic and ionic radii), trends in chemical reactivity with oxygen, water, hydrogen and halogens; uses. Preparation and Properties of Some Important Compounds: Sodium carbonate, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide and sodium hydrogencarbonate, biological importance of sodium and potassium. CaO, CaCO3, and industrial use of lime and limestone, biological importance of Mg and Ca. PGT such as DSSSB PGT, NVS PGT, KVS PGT, State PGT exam aspirants can practice these questions and improve their exam preparation. These MCQs are also very helpful for Board Exams, NEET, IIT-JEE, SLET and other exams.

ChemStudy | Maxbrain Chemistry

s Block Elements Mock Test for PGT Exams

100 MCQs | Time: 60 Minutes
