Biological Functions of Alkaloids

Biological Functions of Alkaloids

Biological Functions of Alkaloids

The function of alkaloids within the plants is not clearly understood but it is clear that they are not produced in plants for a single function but for many functions that are summarised as fofuws:

1. They may act as reserve substances to supply nitrogen. However, there is little evidence that they are utilised in the conditions of nitrogen deficiency.

2. They may be the end-products of detoxification mechanisms otherwise their accumulation in plants may otherwise cause damage to the plants.

3. They may act as poisonous substances which afford plants safety from herbivores and insects.

4. They may function as plants stimulants or regulators similar to the hormones in the activities like growth, metabolism and reproduction.

5. They may act as reservoirs for protein synthesis.

6. They are excretory products of plants and excess of ammonia is excreted by this method.

7. Inhibition of enzyme activity by alkaloids is also known.

It is interesting to note that 85 to 95 per cent plants carry out all their normal activities without involving alkaloids, thus indicating that the function of the alkaloids within the plants, if any, is still not understood clearly.
